Fonn mo leannain
One of my favourite past times is sitting with my father going through old reel-to-reel tapes he made when he was younger and this sailor’s love song was one that caught my attention a few years ago. Wherever he’d go ashore he would sing the praises of his sweetheart.
Ho ro hi mo ghaol a' ghruagach
Dh'àraicheadh an tìr nam fuar-bheann;
Ach nam biodh tu nochd rim ghuallain,
Cha b' e gruaimean bhiodh air m' aire.
Sèist | Chorus
Co-dhiù thogainn fonn mo leannain
Anns gach àit' san ruig mi cala;
Co-dhiù thogainn fonn mo leannain.
Tha do ghruaidhean mar na ròsan
Dh'fhàsas anns a' mhachair bhòidhich,
Bilean tana 's deud tha còmhnard,
Tha do phòg sìor bhlas na mealla.
Tha do shlios mar fhaoileig sàile,
Dhìreas ris na stùcan àrda,
'S truagh a-nochd nach mi bha làmh ri,
Nìghneag bhàn nam blàth-shùil meallach.
Nì mi nis an rann a dhùnadh
'S fhada leam gu ruith an ùine,
Gus an ruig mi fhìn an dùthaich,
Far na dh'fhàg mi rùn nan cailean.
Ho ro hi my love the maidean;
Who was raised in the cool mountaings
If you were only by my side,
I would not be so gloomy minded.
Sèist | Chorus
I will always raise my sweetheart's 'tune'
In every town where we reach port;
I will always raise my sweetheart's 'tune'.
Your cheeks are like the roses
That grow in the bonny machair,
Fine lips and a beautiful smile,
Your kisses are like the honey.
Your complexion is fine as the seagull,
That climbs to the highest points,
It's a pity tonight that I'm not near,
The blond haired girl of the warm, pleasant eyes.
I'll now complete my verses,
As I wait impatiently for time to pass,
Until I reach the land,
Where I left my dearest love.